Sarv Srijan Welfare Trust: A Journey Of Love

Sarv Srijan Welfare Trust was registered as a Public charitable trust in february 2018, started the Integrated Community Development Programmers, an approach that seeks to turn slums into vibrant neighborhoods.
This Organization / NGO recognized by the Government of India "Sarv Srijan Welfare Trust" has become a reliable social organization helping India with the cooperation of all of you, which has more than two lakh members in the country, in the last five years the organization Thousands of needy people of the country, boys and girls have been helped in one way or the other, before and after Corona, the organization continues to distribute free ration, sarees, blankets, medicines, masks, sanitary pads, ready-made food etc. among the poor brothers and sisters. Along with this, she keeps on giving free training of beauty parlor, mehndi, sewing embroidery etc.

Sarv Srijan Welfare Trust is basically based on 'To cure childrens and provide them better life with better treatments and education. We mobilize support to save, protect and rebuild lives of the poorest of poor affected by crisis and humanitarian disasters. To dedicate their time, resources and skills in reaching out to those women's and children's in need, irrespective of their CASTE, CREED and STATUS.

Our Motive

Sarv Srijan Welfare Trust believe in human capacity of persons to manage Sarv Srijan Welfare Trust programs in their communities. Communities co-invest with Sarv Srijan Welfare Trust and supporters for the programmers, deciding and implementing them. We engages institutions, corporate and individuals throughout the world as partners and supporters of integrated development in India.

Make a Donation Now

How You Can Help Us

Just call at +91 8368477707 | 9128902858 to make a donation

Our Services

Education for Children

Education is the foundation of a child's future well-being.Sarv Srijan Welfare Trust be a aim for Children's education creates various opportunities to help them live better lives.

Women Empowerment

Women’s empowerment and promoting women’s rights have emerged as a part of a major global movement and is continuing to break new ground in recent years.

Food For Needy

Sarv Srijan Welfare Trust has set the aim to provide food for needy and we want no one to sleep hungry because People's are facing hunger, food and under nutrition. it me have a higher risk of chronic diseases.

Donate For Helpless

Sarv Srijan Welfare Trust help for helpless that all the cuddles in the world stop the tears. Children are dying, and I am helpless to do anything. Once aboard we were soon helpless with laughter at the absurdity of it. They are not merely helpless victims.

Orphan Children's

Donation is essential to help patients survive surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Please stand with us and this lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation. 

Health Check-Up Program

Donation is essential to help patients survive surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Please stand with us and this lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation. 

Child Education Programmers

Time may wait for you and me, but not for our children. Therefore, right education
with right opportunities at the right time is the focus of this project.
We don’t let any child easily drop out.